Moore & Partners top tips to minimise the hassle of moving day
Take the stress and hassle out of moving day
We all know that moving house can be one of life's most trying events, right up there with bereavement, redundancy and divorce! So when the whole process from the selling valuation onwards has been completed, the estate agent has done their job and moving day finally dawns, what can you do to make a potentially stressful day a little bit easier?
The good news is that there is quite a lot you can do. And, of course, your selling agent and removals firm should have plenty of advice, too. But here are some of our favourite tips:
1. Have a thorough clear-out ahead of moving day, and make up bags for the charity shop or have a car boot sale. Dispose of unwanted electrical goods responsibly.
2. Covering furniture in cling film stops items from getting knocked and scratched. If you're taking pieces apart, keep screws, Allen keys and the like in food bags and tape them to whatever they belong to.
3. Cutting slits into boxes to create 'handles' makes lifting the heavier ones a lot easier. Don't completely fill the bigger ones, though, or they may get too heavy to carry safely. Work out how many boxes you need well in advance, and get them in varying sizes.
4. The best way to transport clothes is to keep them on their hangers and cover with large bin liners, for quick and easy hanging when you arrive at your new place.
5. If you take photos of the back of electrical devices such as TVs, stereos, you'll have a guide to setting up again with all the right wires in the right place.
6. Crockery can be wrapped in towels or other linen. This obviously protects them, but also saves on bubble wrap and old newspaper, which you may need for other things.
7. Have different, colour-coordinated stickers on boxes for each room to make unpacking easier the other end.
8. Make sure the moving team has a clear path to their vehicle, both inside and outside the home you are moving out of.
9. Check your home contents insurance and make sure your worldly goods are covered both in transit and from day one in your new abode.
10. Finally, it's always worth packing a small bag with overnight essentials so you have everything that you need for your first night in your new home. And don't forget to take a small cardboard box with everything you need to make your first cup of tea, including the kettle!
Moving day can seem daunting, but with a bit of planning ahead, there's no reason why it shouldn't go smoothly.
We can advise, too. Call Moore & Partners today if you're looking for an estate agent in Crawley, and get the ball rolling with a house valuation.
Published on 29 September 2017
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